Whistle-blower channel
In order to prevent, discover and sanction violations of the Code of Ethics and Conduct, the Penal Code, the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering, the Securities Market Law, or any other regulations related to the economic activity of this entity, which may occur by Directors, employees, directors, agents, and collaborators of the Banco Alcalá Group, S.A., a complaints channel is enabled that allows any person who has knowledge of said infractions to bring such circumstance to the attention of the Criminal Risk Committee. of Banco Alcalá, S.A., through the following link
In the design and application of this reporting system, the current legal framework has been fully respected, with Law 2/2023 of February 20 on the Protection of Whistleblowers being fully applicable, as well as regulations at the labor level and on data protection. ; and, as it cannot be otherwise, the fundamental rights of the affected people:
- There is a Crime Prevention Manual that regulates the operation of the reporting channel
- Guaranteeing channel confidentiality
- Garantint l’anonimat absolut del denunciant
- Guaranteeing the absolute anonymity of the complainant
- Guaranteeing compliance with applicable data protection regulations
The Regulatory Compliance Department is responsible for the system.